Festival Musica sull’Acqua

Tale of the Soldier

Mime Director & Educator

Festival Musica sull’Acqua

L’Histoire du Soldat

Mime Director & Educator


Written just after World War I at the cusp of the jazz age, L’Histoire du Soldat picks up the story of the young violinist, Joseph, now a weary, disillusioned soldier. On leave to visit his mother and girlfriend, he faces a choice to trade his violin for financial security, twisting his soul into a constant search for more.


Music by Igor Stravinsky

Libretto by C. F. Ramuz

Music ensemble under the direction of Francesco Senese, violin

Action conceived and staged by Tony Lopresti in the role of the Soldier

Narration and translation by Guido Barbieri

Voices of the Soldier and the Devil by Moni Ovadia

Set and props by Velasco Vitali

Devil – Irene Valentini / Princess – Ester Morato


Photo: Camilla Mastaglio





  • Audience: Appropriate for All Ages

  • Running Time: One hour 15 minutes

  • Stage: Minimum 6 m x 4 m / 19 ft 8.25 in x 13 ft 1.5 in

  • Set: 5-piece sculpture / castle

  • Lighting: Lighting plot available

  • Sound: Microphones for musicians; one microphone for narrator; one playback device for recorded voices / sound system

  • Cast:  7 musicians, 3 mime actors, 1 narrator




Scritto appena dopo la prima guerra mondiale, agli inizi dell’era jazz, L’Histoire du Soldat riprende la storia del giovane violinista, Joseph, ora un soldato stanco e deluso.  In libera uscita per trovare la madre e la fidanzata, si trova davanti ad un dilemma: sacrificare il suo violino per la sicurezza economica, attorcigliando la sua anima nella ricerca costante del possedere di  più.  


Musica di Igor Stravinsky

Libretto di C. F. Ramuz

Ensemble musicale diretto da Francesco Senese, violino

Azione ideata e messa in scena da Tony Lopresti nel ruolo del soldato

Narrato e tradotto da Guido Barbieri

Voci del soldato e del diavolo di Moni Ovadia

Scenografia di Velasco Vitali

Il Diavolo – Irene Valentini / La Principessa – Ester Morato


Photo: Camilla Mastaglio





  • Audience: Appropriate for All Ages

  • Running Time: One hour 15 minutes

  • Stage: Minimum 6 m x 4 m / 19 ft 8.25 in x 13 ft 1.5 in

  • Set: 5-piece sculpture / castle

  • Lighting: Lighting plot available

  • Sound: Microphones for musicians; one microphone for narrator; one playback device for recorded voices / sound system

  • Cast: 7 musicians, 3 mime actors, 1 narrator

